Adopting healthy scientific practices is essential for conducting good quality research. This may be intuitive but it is hard to achieve and does not happen naturally. This video from the Royal Society introduces the problem: The term “replication crisis” emphasizes that replication, a corner stone in science, is often considered of secondary importance. If we…
Where to get Data: a collection of resources for your thesis
If you are wondering where to get data for your thesis this article is for you. Data come in all shapes and forms. If you are doing your thesis, you are in search of a proof of concept In other words, you are attempting to prove the validity of an idea or concept, not to…
Data Inspired Creativity
What is Data Inspired Creativity about? In an elevator pitch this project is a about Big Data with a focus to the media industry in collaboration with Talpa Media . The contemporary media landscape demands that media content producers approach continuously changing consumer preferences in an agile manner, adapting content to audiences. Insights gleaned from…
Human and Smart Device Interaction: Help Wanted
The topic of human and smart device interaction touches everybody in their everyday life. Why do you like a particular smart device? Why do you choose that particular object? At a first look these questions look really obvious, to the point that they do not really need to be answered. However, “the obvious” is what…