The objective of Data Inspired Creativity is twofold. First, it aims to build new scientific insights about the relationship between (big) data and creative innovation processes (CIPs) in general, and those of the media industry in specific. Second, these scientific insights will be fed back into CIPs of the private partner of this research project (Talpa), who will provide the data as well as a testing ground.
This Project is in collaboration with NWO and Talpa Network
Work in progress, more information soon!
Past Projects
SwiNG is the Swiss National Grid Association and the official National Grid Initiative (NGI) of Switzerland. In particular SwiNG is trying to support the computational infrastructure needs of the scientific and research community of Switzerland fostering interdisciplinary research and representing the interests of the members towards other national and international bodies.
If you are a scientist of a research group in need of computational support this NGI can help you.
Nepomuk was one of the biggest European Information and Society Technologies projects. Its goal was to develop a comprehensive solution for extending the personal desktop into a collaboration environment which supports both the personal information management and sharing and exchange across social and organizational relations.
GridCC was funded by the European Union for integrating the computational infrastructure and the data acquisition systems of devices. The Instrument Element has been one of the key concepts developed in this context end extended in several other projects