Dear fellow student,

I hereby want to share an interesting way to get access to an extensive data set in the field of Altmetrics. Several well developed Altmetric data providers collect a variety of metrics, thereby covering a large part of social attention that papers receive. One of these platforms is

how to access altermetric data
Mark Stoevelaar : how to access altermetric data

In order to get access to the data send an e-mail to the address mentioned above. Tell them you are interested in using the data and they will send you the ‘Altmetric Data Researcher Access Application Form’. After filling this out, you will get access to the data within a couple days. You could also look on their page and download the request form, I think this is the correct one, see below:

The founder of the platform is Stacy Konkiel, who is always willing to help and a very pleasant woman. For any questions related to the data I think you should contact her.

Good luck on your thesis!

Mark Stoevelaar

This letter is part of the collection “letter to the younger self” and has been written for helping the “new generation of students” learning from who was there before. You can see all the letters at the following link:

Other post related to altermetrics include the following:

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