Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

OpenAI: What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ?

I just asked to Chat.openai what is Service Oriented Architecture (see picture below) and what follows is its opinion on the topic. Folks at OpenAI developed the ChatGPT model as a way to optimizing language models for dialogues. I found this idea quite challenging with a lot of potential. Therefore, I asked to Chat.OpenAI an…

Knowledge Graph and Artificial Intelligence

On Knowledge Graph and Artificial Intelligence

In this article I will try to give an introduction to what is a knowledge graph and what is its relationship with artificial intelligence. In a nutshell, we can see this relationship as bi-directional. On the one hand knowledge graphs are ways to represent information and can be used as data for machine learning models.…

Natural Language Processing for Unstructured Text in Colloquial Conversations

Natural Language Processing for Unstructured Text in Colloquial Conversations

Title: Natural Language Processing for Unstructured Text in Colloquial Conversations  (tentative) Mentor: Francesco Lelli Have you ever received an eMail from a friend proposing a vacation to Venice and 30 second later you stumble into an advertisement proposing cheap flights or hotels for that very same destination?  Welcome to the world of Natural Language Processing…

Talpa Internship Opportunities

Master Thesis Plus Talpa Internship Opportunities in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Master Thesis Plus Talpa Internship Opportunities in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Mentor at TiU: Francesco Lelli  Mentors at Talpa: Anca Dumitrache and/or Ricardo Fabian Guevara There are some internships opportunities available at Talpa. You will have the opportunity to develop your master’s thesis in collaboration with the AI division of one of the most…