Title: Understanding the Importance of an Internet Presence for Offline Professional Services (tentative) Mentor: Francesco Lelli Co-Supervisor: Second Reader will be assigned based on the finalization of the proposal from the student. What is the value of your website for an SME or a professional service? Internet as a selling channel is a vastly explored…
Master Thesis Plus Talpa Internship Opportunities in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Master Thesis Plus Talpa Internship Opportunities in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Mentor at TiU: Francesco Lelli Mentors at Talpa: Anca Dumitrache and/or Ricardo Fabian Guevara There are some internships opportunities available at Talpa. You will have the opportunity to develop your master’s thesis in collaboration with the AI division of one of the most…
How to use the literature review for your research
Let’s talk about how to use a literature review for your research. I know that sometimes the amount of information available regarding a particular topic is overwhelming. Consequently if you are approaching research for the first time you may be disoriented and experience information overload. This is mainly due to these factors that are in…
Human enhanced machine driven categorization: Thesis Proposal
Title: Human enhanced machine driven categorization (tentative) Mentor: Francesco Lelli Co-Supervisor Emiel Caron Machines are better than human in executing repetitive and computational oriented tasks. However, humans are more flexible and can conceptualize and categorize information in a superior way. The candidate will investigate the proper way to combine both the world in the…
Web 2.0 APIs for Grid Computing: Thesis Proposal
Title: Web 2.0 APIs for Grid Computing (tentative) Mentor: Francesco Lelli Grid/ Cloud computing offers to their users a virtually unlimited computational infrastructure. Users usually interact with this system using a command line interface thus limiting its use to people that are familiar with computers. The goal of the thesis is to expose similar functionality…
6 Heuristics for Assessing the Quality of a Publication
This article is about heuristics for assessing the quality of a publication: emphasis on Heuristics. Consequently, there will be always a case where these guidelines will be incorrect. Unfortunately, the alternative is been able to read and categorize all the scientific articles in the world; I am pretty sure that you do not have that much…
Setting Up the Proper Communication Tools with your Thesis Supervisor
Setting up the proper communication tools with your thesis supervisor is a necessary evil if you want to make sure that the time that you will spend with him/her will be constrictive and interesting. First of all let’s start with what you achieved so far and congratulation for reaching this stage in your studies! This…
Take the Most from Your Thesis
You are in a important phase of your education and you should take the most from your thesis instead of having your thesis taking the most from you. As you are reading these lines you are probably shopping around for a thesis or internship but you have no clear idea on what to do. If…