If you are reading this article, it is probably time to put your thesis to a navigation test. I am assuming that you have a first readable draft of your thesis where you already implemented the writing rules checklist that I shared with you in a previous article. A navigation test is important for the…
Simple Writing Rules that Can Improve the Quality of Your Thesis
In this article, I would like to introduce a simple set of writing rules that can serve as a checklist for your thesis. If you implement them, the final manuscript will be easy to read and follow. In addition, it will be possible to navigate the various subsections in a coherent manner, for example, jumping…
On Scientific Writing: Classic, Postmodern, and Self-Conscious Style
Let’s talk about scientific writing. The need to master this skill in a thesis or a scientific paper is pretty much self-explanatory. Mastering writing is mastering an effective technique for communicating what you would like to share with your supervisor(s), all the people involved in your thesis, and fellow members of the scientific community. In…