Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland for International Students: On Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland for International Students: On Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Do you have a fresh master or PhD and are you considering Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland? The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship offers young researchers from around the world who have completed a master’s degree or PhD the opportunity to start or continue their research careers in Switzerland. The scholarship supports research endeavors for a…

AI Beyond Efficiency: note on the event

This is a small note that summarize the first workshop of AI beyond efficiency that we did in Valencia in the past spring. It was a really fun and formative experience where we had the possibility to interact with many colleagues across Europe. We can clearly declare the workshop successful as we had to cap…

robot pointing on a wall

StairwAI and supporting SME in their AI based digital strategy: Open Letter

Dear participant to the StariwAI SMEs pilot implementation, congratulation for been in the final 14-een that has managed to join the program! Dear SMEs that are not in the pilot, do not despair there will be other opportunities, this is just the beginning! In both cases you have my respect and support for trying to…

Knowledge Graph and Artificial Intelligence

On Knowledge Graph and Artificial Intelligence

In this article I will try to give an introduction to what is a knowledge graph and what is its relationship with artificial intelligence. In a nutshell, we can see this relationship as bi-directional. On the one hand knowledge graphs are ways to represent information and can be used as data for machine learning models.…

Adopting good scientific practices increases your visibility and the grade of your thesis

Adopting healthy scientific practices is essential for conducting good quality research. This may be intuitive but it is hard to achieve and does not happen naturally. This video from the Royal Society introduces the problem: The term “replication crisis” emphasizes that replication, a corner stone in science, is often considered of secondary importance. If we…

Data Inspired Creativity

Data Inspired Creativity

What is Data Inspired Creativity about? In an elevator pitch this project is a about Big Data with a focus to the media industry in collaboration with Talpa Media . The contemporary media landscape demands that media content producers approach continuously changing consumer preferences in an agile manner, adapting content to audiences. Insights gleaned from…

Internships and Fellowships at the European Space Agency ( ESA )

Internships and Fellowships at the European Space Agency ( ESA )

Thesis Topic: Internships and Fellowships at the European Space Agency ( ESA ) plus Thesis Mentor: Francesco Lelli External Supervisor: Assigned by ESA case by case The European Space Agency (ESA) offer a set of internship for students that want to do a thesis and contribute to the success of the European space program.  Some…

Human and Smart Device Interaction: Help Wanted

The topic of human and smart device interaction touches everybody in their everyday life. Why do you like a particular smart device? Why do you choose that particular object? At a first look these questions look really obvious, to the point that they do not really need to be answered. However, “the obvious” is what…

BPI Business Process Integration

BPI: an Example of Business Process Integration. (Big Data Flavor)

Let’s share an example of business process integration, the material in this article is fictional. However, the described example is a simplification of a integration problem is quite typical of modern enterprises. In particular if we consider big data driven solutions. In order to set up the mood for this exercise I recommend you to…