Here you will find a list of profiles related to this account. Some are automatically pulling information from this website and other like Reddit and Quora (for example) are used for interacting with everyone want to get in touch with and require more information.

Browse around and you are welcome to connect in the way you prefer!

Professional Associations:

Most used (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook):

A Survey of Social Software Engineering

If you have a question for me: 

Slides, Presentations and Documents:



Second Tier

Research Oriented: 

Teaching Oriented:

Of the university

Others with semi regular posts:

Programming Oriented


Not really used:

My personal digital assistant:

Yes, I do have a digital assistant that tries to keep all these social networks (sort of) linked and organized. Here you can find more information about it:

Photo ofFrancesco Lelli
Francesco Lelli
Job Title
Prof. Dr. Eng.
Tilburg University
Warandelaan 2,
Tilburg, the Netherlands, 5037 AB

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