Case study is not synonymous to interviews. if you are reaching this post, it is probably because you are confused and believe that case studies and interviews may be the same thing. In this post I will try to put some order in the chaos of doing interviews for your thesis. One of they key…
Digital Transformation in SAPPI: a global manufacturer of sustainable materials
Thesis Topic: Digital Transformation Mentor: Francesco Lelli External supervisor: Javed Khan Business Needs Improving the visibility of data in a global manufacturer’s head office. Current businesses have a plethora of data and analytics, critical for strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. Interactive displays in an office can support that decision making process. For this assignment you…
The Navigation Test: Put Your Thesis to a (Stress) Test
If you are reading this article, it is probably time to put your thesis to a navigation test. I am assuming that you have a first readable draft of your thesis where you already implemented the writing rules checklist that I shared with you in a previous article. A navigation test is important for the…
Simple Writing Rules that Can Improve the Quality of Your Thesis
In this article, I would like to introduce a simple set of writing rules that can serve as a checklist for your thesis. If you implement them, the final manuscript will be easy to read and follow. In addition, it will be possible to navigate the various subsections in a coherent manner, for example, jumping…
Understanding the Importance of an Internet Presence for Offline Professional Services: Thesis Proposal
Title: Understanding the Importance of an Internet Presence for Offline Professional Services (tentative) Mentor: Francesco Lelli Co-Supervisor: Second Reader will be assigned based on the finalization of the proposal from the student. What is the value of your website for an SME or a professional service? Internet as a selling channel is a vastly explored…
Your Thesis and Help: Where to Get It When You Need It?
In this post, I would like to summarize a set of resources that could be useful for your thesis and help you in moving forward. Let’s face it, your supervisor at the university is probably the one that will do the heavy lifting in helping you, but he/she cannot be your coach, your psychologist, your…
Natural Language Processing for Unstructured Text in Colloquial Conversations
Title: Natural Language Processing for Unstructured Text in Colloquial Conversations (tentative) Mentor: Francesco Lelli Have you ever received an eMail from a friend proposing a vacation to Venice and 30 second later you stumble into an advertisement proposing cheap flights or hotels for that very same destination? Welcome to the world of Natural Language Processing…
Adopting good scientific practices increases your visibility and the grade of your thesis
Adopting healthy scientific practices is essential for conducting good quality research. This may be intuitive but it is hard to achieve and does not happen naturally. This video from the Royal Society introduces the problem: The term “replication crisis” emphasizes that replication, a corner stone in science, is often considered of secondary importance. If we…
The Art and the Skill of Speaking and Making a Presentation
The skill of speaking and making a presentation is both an art form and a skill that can be learned. However, the second part, i.e. learning how to speak, is more important than the first (the art form, which seems to imply you have an innate talent for speaking). The good news is that like…
Related Work/Literature Review/Survey Paper: A Collection of Resources
A scientific literature review (sometimes also called related work or survey paper) is an integral part of: Writing scientific papers Writing position reports in a non-academic job Writing your Bachelor/Master/PhD thesis Here, you will find a collection of resources that should help you in addressing your scholarly needs. Not All Publications Are Equal Yes, quality…